AbuAmerican..Thanks for the support buddy.. We argue, have laugh and learn from each other..


You are so right.. Putin is pulling the strings.. The worrying thing is that he could be around for a very long time..

The West needs to be very wary..Madeleine Albright the former U.S. Secretary of State rescribed Putin as someone who is more likely to define his job than be defined by it.

"After our first meetings, in 1999 and 2000, I described him in my journal as "shrewd, confident, hard-working, patriotic, and ingratiating." In the years since, he has become more confident and — to Westerners — decidedly less ingratiating."

His vision of Russia is that of a great power in the old-fashioned European sense. Such powers have spheres of influence and subjugate lesser powers. At home, they celebrate national traditions and prize collective glory, not individual freedom.