I cant even imagine losing sight or hearing. Especially once you know what it is like to see and hear, it seems so frightening to have to live without these crucial senses. If we are blind we have to depend on others for many things. .. If someone were to lose their hearing they would have to learn to read lips and sign language. If I consider choosing taste there is no point in eating. Better to live on food supplement tablets… no fun in that. Touch is also important.. I would miss it terribly…but not as much as sight. I think touch is even more important than hearing.. as its connected with many other emotions..:)

Now the only one left is smell. There are good smell and bad odor. Its always good to have good smell… may fav. Perfume....Smell of coffee is very refreshing and some natural smells.. but at least I can avoid. Bad odor..

I would have to say I can live without the smell.