If a rental agreement is taken out on a two year lease agreement, during this two years can you give notice to the landlord that you wish to vacate the property.
It does not state anything about this in the contract.
We are supposed to have 24 hours/7 day a week sucurity service at the gate manned by qualified security guard, which we have not got and the landlord says he will not supply.
Also the fire alarm system is switched off as it kept coming on so they just switched it off.
If a rental agreement is taken out on a two year lease agreement, during this two years can you give notice to the landlord that you wish to vacate the property.
It does not state anything about this in the contract.
We are supposed to have 24 hours/7 day a week sucurity service at the gate manned by qualified security guard, which we have not got and the landlord says he will not supply.
Also the fire alarm system is switched off as it kept coming on so they just switched it off.