Well said, Rami.

I have a lot of Qatari friends. I love them to bits. They are great guys, but they simply don't follow the laws. It's not part of their culture. They don't mean it in a bad way, it's just that they don't really like the idea of being told not to smoke inside, and they don't see the harm of littering.

As far as breaking the rental law, that's a different matter entirely. That's simply greed, and that sort of behaviour must be condemned whenever encountered.

Dezigner, you asked a general question about why people don't respect Qatar. Rami simply pointed out that as far as breaches of written law are concerned, the bulk of offenders are Qataris.

It's one thing to say that western girls should just know what to wear and what not to wear (even in the absense of any written rules/laws) or that they should behave sensibly, again in the absense of written guidelines to follow.

But when it comes to breaking the law, and that's disrespecting Qatar in the worst possibly way, the Qataris are the worst offenders.

Don't distract yourself with the shortcomings of other countries. The question YOU asked refered to QATAR.

By the way, I'm Australian, so now you can start telling me about how Australians break laws and, by extension, how that makes it okay for Qataris to break laws.