Cher also stars in it as a Abortion clinic doctor who gets shot by so called "Right for Lifers"......

There are also other things to consider in this debate and there is one fact that no one has even brought up and that is no contraception is 100%...consider this,

what would you do if you were a 18y.o. girl your partner is 28y.o. and has a great career already, your career has all of a sudden taken off your star is have been on the pill for 4 years and so far you have been safe, for three days straight you have cramps which is nothing unusual for you except you don't actually have your period...considering your on the pill this is highly unusual so you go to see your doctor, you find out through various tests that your pregnant....what do you do...your BF doesn't want you to ruin your career...your heart is telling you to keep it..but your head and heart are also telling you that it's not the right time....this is all because your contraception what would you do....

"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.