A class of primary school children was given a homework assignment where they had to tell the class about what they did over the bank holiday weekend, and have a little spelling test. The winner would get a prize..
so they're back after the break...
teacher : 'so John, what did you get up to?'
John : 'it was great Miss. my dad and uncle took us to see Arsenal play, and they stuffed Chelsea!'
teacher : 'thanks John - now can you spell 'ball' for the class?
John : 'yes Miss - it's B-A-L-L'
teacher : 'very good John. what about you Susie?'
Susie : 'we had a good time as well Miss. my friends came to stay, and we played in the garden with our doll's house!'
teacher : 'that sounds lovely Susie - now can you spell 'doll' for the class?'[/i]
Susie : 'yes miss - D-O-L-L'
teacher : 'spot on Susie, well done. did you do something nice Leroy?'
Leroy : 'we went to the beach Miss, but it was horrible because some big kids called us names, and kicked over our sandcastles'
teacher : 'that's a shame Leroy. now can you spell 'racial discrimination' for the class...?
A class of primary school children was given a homework assignment where they had to tell the class about what they did over the bank holiday weekend, and have a little spelling test. The winner would get a prize..
so they're back after the break...
teacher : 'so John, what did you get up to?'
John : 'it was great Miss. my dad and uncle took us to see Arsenal play, and they stuffed Chelsea!'
teacher : 'thanks John - now can you spell 'ball' for the class?
John : 'yes Miss - it's B-A-L-L'
teacher : 'very good John. what about you Susie?'
Susie : 'we had a good time as well Miss. my friends came to stay, and we played in the garden with our doll's house!'
teacher : 'that sounds lovely Susie - now can you spell 'doll' for the class?'[/i]
Susie : 'yes miss - D-O-L-L'
teacher : 'spot on Susie, well done. did you do something nice Leroy?'
Leroy : 'we went to the beach Miss, but it was horrible because some big kids called us names, and kicked over our sandcastles'
teacher : 'that's a shame Leroy. now can you spell 'racial discrimination' for the class...?