You see? this is the root of the problem. Just listen to the original posters mentality along with other similar posts. Pointing fingers etc. I think everyone needs to chill-out and stop thinking about other and casting judgment. People see a problem with wearing shorts here. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?! its freaking HOT here! You are too up-tight to wear shorts? Where do you learn its a taboo? are my legs too sexy for your wife to look at? Its wonderful to wear shorts! its not my damn problem of your mentality! or some guy wants to walk around with his other race of girl friend?! just mind your own business. its very simple. JUST RELAX LET GO. this after a few generations of all us die out, this country will be totally different in 100 years. so just try to enjoy your short life. getting offended or thinking about it does you no good. If you ask me. One of the most disrespectful things you can do in your OWN COUNTRY is LITTERING. Yet I see it happen all the time. At first I was shocked to see Qataris littering in their own country. But now its such a common site. Throwing trash out of their cars, or walking out of the store, taking the wrapper off then chucking it. I just say... "ah that's the way it is"... oh well... its Qatar, you gotta love it :-)