Just when all of us are cutting back on everything from groceries to college tuition, we find out our kids really will land better jobs if they graduate from an Ivy League school.

According to The Wall Street Journal, where you go to school can make a significant difference in your starting pay. And that difference continues into your mid-career years.

PayScale Inc., an online provider of global compensation data, studied 1.2 million graduates with bachelor's degrees for a year. All the subjects had at least 10 years' work experience, with a median of 15.5 years earning.

The company surveyed graduates of more than 300 schools in the United States, from state universities to Ivy League colleges. The company excluded graduates with master's and other advanced degrees such as M.D.s and J.D.s. The results suggested that the specific college major has little correlation with what you earn.

They also revealed that the median beginning salary for a graduate of an Ivy is 32 percent higher than that of a graduate of a liberal arts college. Ten years after graduation, the gap is 34 percent.

The Journal suggests that one reason why Ivy League grads pass their non-Ivy peers is that the former often pick roles in which they manage or provide advice.