Samya Allah knows the person's intention but what we are required to do is to welcome the new Muslim no matter what his reasons maybe.
its possible that Allah showers his mercy on him and no matter what his intention was the first he maybe a good muslim later.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Samya Allah knows the person's intention but what we are required to do is to welcome the new Muslim no matter what his reasons maybe.
its possible that Allah showers his mercy on him and no matter what his intention was the first he maybe a good muslim later.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi