Arab people are an exception :( I faced this many times before ... I almost fought with the security because seldom i lose my temper, but i found it really ridiculous to find groups of singles [all of you know] getting in while he is asking me to leave at the door.

I asked him, what's about those? I can't see in family there ... what is this all about? He did not say anything, but sorry i can't let you in ...

It is like if anyone care about who inside there, was just trying to buy something from carrefour, 5 minutes as i know the time and then leave. He thought that i was fighting to go and watch the repeating, boring shows in there or take them as an excuse to do something like Deer Hunting inside :(

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)