ACTUALLY,GUYS,whn we r saying its okay,we really mean tht its fine,I'am gonna let it go(WHTEVER U HV DONE)this time,coz I also hv a couple of things i want you to shrug the overspending,or i dont want to make dinner this whole week,or,my moms coming...point is, knowing it all, 8888888 times, u guys recognize the danger signs,but wht do u do abt it? nothing..just continue to stare at the idiot box like the re-run of the cricket match u r watching is going to hv a diff.outcome each time,or as if yr very life depends on fixing yr glazed eyes on wht the newsreader is saying,never mind if its in a language you dont know.Wht i wd like to know is, whts running thru yr mind?at tht time? besides wondering if shes gonna put out or hold out and if so, for how long?