why and how this Aids thing is spreading ... what are the roots ?

My main purpose of creating this thread is 'AWARENESS' and discussion on how to control this deadly disease !

lets forget about other countries .... lets see in our own place where we live. How many places one can visit and have sex (with prostitutes) or even meeting in bars and getting drunk and morning one find in the bed not knowing other person and who knows that who is infected with Aids?

I believe that these Governments should shutdown so called these 'Sex Industries' which is considered as legal in many Countries and I believe these are the places from where the Aids is born and spreading to others...

I remember one true story which happened in UAE in 1999, one girl got married and when her time came for delivery came doctors found that she was infected with Aids .. upon investigating it was found the husband was carrying Aids and he admitted that he used to go to bars and slept with few girls from whom he got infected...
Now this innocent girl is in Hospital jail for life with her new born ! Since then UAE implemented a law that any local men and women getting married they should undergo medical examination before marriage to avoid such incident but that was not the solution since after marriage still the man can visit those bars or whore houses which are happening in reality !
