if you are into saving! you can budget your salary.
first thing you should learn is that you should never be fusy with things and the way you live.

You can rent a room for 3000 - 3500,now if you are a bahraini really you can get a driving liscense that easy and you can loan a car for less than 1000 a month, you do not need a fancy or big Car most important is you can get in to where you going!

Yes there is a lot of memeber here in QL says its small its because they are earning more than yours and there lifestyle is posh and they are living in a nice villa, apartment or condo! so 15K is not enough for them.

There is a lot of asian people here in doha, earns less than 5000 but they manage to live a good life some of them even drives a Car, go for an expensive shopping and even saves money and sends money at home.

So really, it depends what is your lifestyle and way of living!