Dear Platao. Islam is interpreted as being the relegion of submission to the one and only God, the Almighty Creator of the universe we live in who sent a chain of prophets to mankind all preaching the same theological message of monotheism. As a muslim, we believe in the prophethood of all previous prophets including Moses and Jesus. The only difference is in accepting the legislation that is set forth in each subsequent revelation, the latest being that which is in the Quran, as a way of life. If you read a bit more about Islam, you will find that the teachings of Prophet Muhamed are not very different from what Moses or Jesus taught. So if you accept that there is only one God who is the unique Creator of this universe and to whom we will all answer after death, and if you accept that Muhammed conveyed the last message from Him to mankind, then you are a muslim.

The five basic pillars of worship are:

1) To bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship other than the sole Creator of the universe and that Muhammed is His last messenger
2)To pray five times a day as taught by Muhammed
3)To pay charity to the poor
4)To fast the month of Ramadan
5)To make pilgrimage once in your life to Mecca if you can afford it.

The six pillars of faith are:

1)To belive in God alone as being the sole Creator and Sustainer of the universe
2)To belive in His Angels
3)To belive in ALL His prophets
4)To belive in ALL Holy Books revealed by HIM
5)To believe in the Day of Judgement
6)To belive in destiny

That's a brief description of Islam from what I know and what I have read and practiced over the years. I wish you the best of luck and feel free to ask any more questions and I will try to help you in answering them if I can.