I swear with every inch in my bone that it is IMPOSSIBLE that they are getting

"25,000 QR + they earned a month (yes, apparently so, I am reliably informed)"

Now I shall explain how I know. I'm a senior with a Legal background and in a BANK and I barely get that.

Now I also asked this question to the HEAD of Civil Aviation and Airport Affairs who said that is BS and they get far far less.

As for rudeness, go to France, check out how rude they are there at the airport.

The only airport where they've been nice to me is in Japan.

At Qatar airport (I just arrived this morning) I had a rude indian security guy try to shove me out of the GCC cue saying "Foreigners over there". So I kindly said "Shove me again, and I'll break your hand off and next time say "Excuse me sir, do you have a GCC passport". (I then complained to the senior official who then took the person off duty and replaced him with someone else).

@Vegas, there's a special line for EU in England, special line for Chinese only in China, special line for Japanese in Japan... *sighs* why can't there be a special line for GCC nationals in Qatar?

Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.