Calm down Renee, no offence meant! You are of course free to post whatever you want, as I am to comment on it. I wasn't trying to be a drama queen, I genuinely wanted to find something out. Let me see if I can explain my query in a better way;
You posted something that had already been discussed on QL, and the only comment you made on it was "Isn't Qatar an Islamic Country?".
Firstly, I was looking for an insight in to why it had been brought up again now. I thought perhaps there had been more reaction to it in the news or something, or perhaps you had a new perspective to comment from. But as you didn't offer much of a comment on the article I wasn't able to find this out. This is why I asked why you were posting this old news now.
Secondly, I didn't understand the one comment you did make; "Isn't Qatar an Islamic Country?". I wasn't the only one to ask this, so perhaps it was a bit confusing. However, you have now explained what you meant by it in your comment above, so thank you.
Apologies if you misread my comment as an attack on your post. I will try to word my questions in a less 'dramatic' way in the future!
Calm down Renee, no offence meant! You are of course free to post whatever you want, as I am to comment on it. I wasn't trying to be a drama queen, I genuinely wanted to find something out. Let me see if I can explain my query in a better way;
You posted something that had already been discussed on QL, and the only comment you made on it was "Isn't Qatar an Islamic Country?".
Firstly, I was looking for an insight in to why it had been brought up again now. I thought perhaps there had been more reaction to it in the news or something, or perhaps you had a new perspective to comment from. But as you didn't offer much of a comment on the article I wasn't able to find this out. This is why I asked why you were posting this old news now.
Secondly, I didn't understand the one comment you did make; "Isn't Qatar an Islamic Country?". I wasn't the only one to ask this, so perhaps it was a bit confusing. However, you have now explained what you meant by it in your comment above, so thank you.
Apologies if you misread my comment as an attack on your post. I will try to word my questions in a less 'dramatic' way in the future!