intrigue you can save money. as you said you are married. will your wife work here? if yes than you can save good. you can have a accom in the part of villa b'coz flats are very expensive. house would be 4000 to 5000. and then it depends on how you spend but as much as i think, you can save atleast 7 to 8 (if your wife will also work). i m saying this in the condition where you don't have to really party every weekend or not goign to expensive rests... after all every thing depends on the life style you want to live. people with 3000salary also save and send money to india. anyways all the best!!!!!!!!
intrigue you can save money. as you said you are married. will your wife work here? if yes than you can save good. you can have a accom in the part of villa b'coz flats are very expensive. house would be 4000 to 5000. and then it depends on how you spend but as much as i think, you can save atleast 7 to 8 (if your wife will also work). i m saying this in the condition where you don't have to really party every weekend or not goign to expensive rests... after all every thing depends on the life style you want to live. people with 3000salary also save and send money to india. anyways all the best!!!!!!!!