I think all visitors to any country should repect the law of the land. you are requested to remove ur head gear when entering a church, part of the custom and relgious requirements.
So best for tourist coming to Dubai, should actually study and understand to some extent what is allowed and not allowed.
Saying this I applaud Dubai, who has really set a standard for tolerance. So therefore we should not abuse their hospitality and customs in the name of tourism. If you wanna be nude, go anywhere in Europe, Thailand or America it is acceptable there.
I think all visitors to any country should repect the law of the land. you are requested to remove ur head gear when entering a church, part of the custom and relgious requirements.
So best for tourist coming to Dubai, should actually study and understand to some extent what is allowed and not allowed.
Saying this I applaud Dubai, who has really set a standard for tolerance. So therefore we should not abuse their hospitality and customs in the name of tourism. If you wanna be nude, go anywhere in Europe, Thailand or America it is acceptable there.