There are many like those around and ... the sad thing when those turn your friends on you and make them believe in them instead of you.
Some people got nothing to do in their life because it is too boring and useless, some people are here for making friend, having friendship relations with others. While some take the responsibility of breaking those relations for the sake of what?
Being happy seeing the others in trouble and laugh at them? Troubling the others knowing that you are the one doing that and would never get caught?
Who plays with fire, would get burned in the end .. and guess what? By his/her own fire ...
QL is one very big community and you are dealing with lots of people, you can trust some, you can't trust the others and ... being cautious is better than feeling sorry in the end ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
There are many like those around and ... the sad thing when those turn your friends on you and make them believe in them instead of you.
Some people got nothing to do in their life because it is too boring and useless, some people are here for making friend, having friendship relations with others. While some take the responsibility of breaking those relations for the sake of what?
Being happy seeing the others in trouble and laugh at them? Troubling the others knowing that you are the one doing that and would never get caught?
Who plays with fire, would get burned in the end .. and guess what? By his/her own fire ...
QL is one very big community and you are dealing with lots of people, you can trust some, you can't trust the others and ... being cautious is better than feeling sorry in the end ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)