is not just limited to the conversing with the spirits. Most people who claim they practice necromancy claim they can control the dead, bring dead tissue back to life and use the undead to do their bidding. Much like the Haitian Voodoo priests use "zombies" to work their plantations. It is a very dark area and one that has no relation to Wicca or spiritualism for that matter. people who profess to have mastered the art of necromancy are usually solitary in their practice and as for the raising of the dead it is still yet to be proven. However "zombies" are in fact are real phenomenon and don't actually use the dead, the "zombies" of Haiti are actually still alive, but are given a drug that slows there heart and breathing till it is almost non existent due to the poor training of doctors on the island most are pronounced dead, buried only to be dug up later by the ever vigilant henchmen of the priest.