scenario here Gypsy, but of course he should ask her, he should tell the other family that he is already married and want to marry again and some of the second wives are either divorced or lost their husbands or for a reason or another.

Some of them are old and it does not mean that if she is old then her family should force her to get married, but might be afraid that if she would turn this guy down she may not get another chance. The society look in the middle east is really cruel and unfair as the divorced women who got really very low chances of getting married again because of the strange look at them :(

I believe that one wife is more than enough for me, I'm not touching that again [marriage] ... one of the things that you do once in your life if it will go really happy and good ... otherwise, if it fails then it does not mean that I should spend the rest of my life alone, right?

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)