brought people together as everyone thinks that his/her religion is right. We know that two won't agree on this matter, but still we can exchange information.

We can talk about these things with open mind just to clarify things from the other party. Their point of view or their religion point of view in something, not to end up fighting or saying in the back of your mind holly Cr** or Sh**.

Starting such a conversation knowing that it would lead to no where or to a big conflict is just a useless one. Respecting what the others believe should be the base of any of those conversations and discussions.

Try to be smart at delivering your point to the other people to find acceptance or at least have their respect to your point of view.

Provoking the others is not a healthy habit, irritating the others with useless comments would lead to nothing but trouble.

We are trying here to discuss things in a civil way between us, what do I believe in is for me ... what do you believe in is for you ... While both of us got their own believe, why should the two have conflicts?

Conflicts would always be there, but there is a difference between a healthy conflict that would lead in the end to a solution or an agreement and the other conflicts that destroy far worse than build ...

Best Regards ...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)