How to sell a job with Qatar Airways to potential staff in spite of the reputation? I'll tell you.. On many world airlines, the longest and most attractive routes, like Europe or US (which have highest allowances) are only given after a number of years of seniority. For example, in Thai airways, the younger staff don't get to fly internationally. Thus, drop the carrot of European or long haul flights to most young people around the world and they'll be queueing up. Add in the buzzwords of 'challenge' and 'dynamic' into the description and most people are convinced. They think it will be different for them. It's not about the money - people look for other things in jobs - and the prospect of Geneva, Washington, Hong Kong and Joburg in a month on a '5 star airline' sounds pretty good to most young people I guess.

I could tell a few stories that would make your eyes water (that I have heard, I don't work there but know a lot of people who do) but I don't feel comfortable putting them out on the public domain.

Koko37 - from what I've heard, they certainly do follow it up with the staff. They might not follow it up with you, the aggrieved customer, but they do take it up personally with the staff - it does wonders for staff fear to have stories of ritual sacking and humiliation circulate around the ranks.

And by the way, it's not just the flight attendants who hate it. Ask the captains -they are SCATHING.