I am surprised that you label Saudi Arabia as "non practicing", since it is the cradle of Islam.
My compound wa attacked by men impersonting security personnel. They had security jeeps, grenades, heavv firearms and good logistics. The bomb detonated about 100 mtres from my house, but yet damaged my propety. They also videoed the attack.This cannot be done by a rabble. It needs supply lines and a good communicatios network.
I agree that they may be a minority. But its a large minority and the Muslim community as a wole has to stand up and denounce these actions, rather than burying their heads in the sand and coming up th conpiracy theories all the time.
I am surprised that you label Saudi Arabia as "non practicing", since it is the cradle of Islam.
My compound wa attacked by men impersonting security personnel. They had security jeeps, grenades, heavv firearms and good logistics. The bomb detonated about 100 mtres from my house, but yet damaged my propety. They also videoed the attack.This cannot be done by a rabble. It needs supply lines and a good communicatios network.
I agree that they may be a minority. But its a large minority and the Muslim community as a wole has to stand up and denounce these actions, rather than burying their heads in the sand and coming up th conpiracy theories all the time.