CB, I would judge myself before judging others if I were u, u claim to be a muslim and u dont even act like a proper christian.

I never claimed to be a proper muslim in any case, cuz alot of things that I do might be offensive in Islam and religious people do avoid it, like smoking, socializing with women, going to clubs or bars etc... these are not haram, these are makrooh which means they are bad for me but not a sin. Where as I dont do drugs, I dont drink and I dont sleep with women and I avoid having a girl friend.

I find it inappropriate to open my mouth about other people in public, so I would appriciate it if u get off my back please.

You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.