I will inform the Australian embassy that you wish to hand over your Australian Passport shall I? that you no longer wish to enjoy the freedoms that come with being a citizen of the free west and you wish australia to withdraw its self from your country and leave it be. I will tell them you no longer wish to use our currency and have your own which in the world stock market has no real current value? I will tell them you wish to that we leave your country alone and it can fend for itself, Australia then can withdraw all it's funding and monitery benifits that we afford you and YOU can Really learn what it is like to stand on your own two feet in this world. I must warn you though your country will only have about a 20% survival rate should you wish to go through with this propersition as once Australia withdraws its soveriegnty all welfare from Australia all the special treatment that is afforded to you by Australia such as Cheaper education , government loans at a nominal rate and welfare will cease.