There are no HD dishes here as no channels are broadcasting in HD. HD is a format not a signal. there are very few countries that broadcast in HD. Most of the T.V.s you buy here are made for countries that already broadcast in HD, so here it is just a gimmick and the only HD benifit you get is from your gaming consoles. Most will buy a HD t.v. here, as we did, as Australia is starting to broadcast in HD so when we return home we get the benifit from it.
There are no HD dishes here as no channels are broadcasting in HD. HD is a format not a signal. there are very few countries that broadcast in HD. Most of the T.V.s you buy here are made for countries that already broadcast in HD, so here it is just a gimmick and the only HD benifit you get is from your gaming consoles. Most will buy a HD t.v. here, as we did, as Australia is starting to broadcast in HD so when we return home we get the benifit from it.