"This kind of marriages r useless, Why would someone get married if they cant have kids or a family???"

As we said before in this forum, because that certificate gives us civil rights that we don't have. gay marriage/union, or whatever, for us, gay people, is a civil right issue NOT a religious or natural or biological issue..it is JUST PURE CIVIL. You view it differently, that's fine, but this is not how WE view it.

Do you actually think that having a marriage certificate is gonna change anything between my partner and I or his family and my family? ABSOLUTELY NOT. We will still live together, we will still be discriminated against, we will still be doing the same exact things we do on a daily basis. It just gives us civil rights..that is ALL. Nothing more, nothing less.

Why is it hard for people to get that concept? i don't know. It is not gonna raise your mortgage, it is not gonna increase your insurance premium. It is not gonna be gonna affect your job. And if you are against same-sex marriage, then don't marry one. As simple as that.

Of course I'm not talking about Qatar or any Muslim country. We know that won't happen. I'm talking about the rest of the world or precisely countries with secular governments.

Un-Learn what you know and Re-Learn it.