Hey man..hope this finds you well..

I'm not here to challenge or debate because I got sick of it to be honest with you. But hey..i love drawing. wish I was a good artist. But anyway. I used to draw when I was a kid and I did like it. I agree with you and if you were to ask me to draw a family when I was a kid, I would have drawn the image you are talking about. But think why ?? I was taught how to pronounce "Mom and Dad" before learning how to hold a pen or a pencil. I was never taught Dad and Dad, or MOM and MOM. So whatever I drew was based on what I was taught previously in kindergarten or pre-school or from mom or dad when I was a baby. It doesn't really take that much to realize that. Ask any psychologist. Raise a kid with gay parents and ask him to draw a picture, what will s/he draw ??? find out!!!!!

What about the kids that draw horrible images of death and torture or whatever. This is NOT natural, eh ?? so drawing is based on your environment where you were brought up and NOT nature. That was also a question to my psychiatrist that I saw for 4 years and that was the answer pretty much.

Mind you that I'm not trying to say that gay sex is natural or unnatural or whatever. I don't know much about this subject and I'd rather say I DON'T KNOW because I don't have to have an opinion when I don't know much about it and have so many unanswered questions about it still. So it is early for me to say yes or no. I need to chew on it a bit more. I just draw a line for my knowledge and stop there. If I want to make an opinion, I would educate myself first then make a decision based on solid facts, not hearsay. Plus it really is irrelevant to my interest anyway.

Speaking of adoption, I'd rather help a child who is left behind in the street or a shelter and give him the attention and love that he needs in order to be able to grow up giving what he has received in the past. You can't give what you lack my friend. And that doesn't mean that this boy or girl will grow up to be gay just because he has gay parents.

Want me to prove it. My parents are straight and I'm gay. Explain that to me :) I should have been straight since I had two straight parents. Why did that happen?.. Think about that for a minute.. There is no guarantee what will happen to the kid. It's his or her fate. If s/he is gay, fine I will support him/her and I will be by his/her side when she faces discrimination even in school. I would do that because I know how much hate and discrimination I have seen in my life an di had to face it a lone at some point. I know how hard it is to be on this boat and I would hate to see any kid suffering form it. .JUST THE FACT THAT DADDY WENT TO SCHOOL WITH HIM/HER MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENT IN THE CHILD'S LIFE. Do you know how secure they will get ?? May be they'd rather be with gay parents rather than on the street. So saying NO to gay adoption even, means depriving kids from some loving homes!!..and yes..there are many many happy gay people who have less break up rates than divorce rates in the straight community. I know I'm happy and content with my life and there is no acting in my life. Neither do I need someone to tell me that I'm not without knowing anything about me..

We should be concerned more about the child's life than the adopting parents. Just like you should be concerned about gay people as PEOPLE rather than what they do behind closed doors.

Thanks for starting some good conversations. I enjoy talking with you.