indeed hard for single people. Life time partner can work somewhere else but not here, being married is the only safe way to avoid troubles and problems. Sometimes you would be married and you can't get rid of the trouble or being accused for things that you did not do.

Why? People look at you and see you as they see you and just judge you like that. It is hard for some of them just to let you be, or think of something else but the bad stuff always.

A man without a wife is like ... like ... what should I say? I guess nothing at all ... What is the benefit of ... I have a fancy car, great house, a bank account and in the end? I'm 55 or 60 Years old, without a family .. without a wife, never heard the laughter of the kids? What a wasted wife that would be ...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)