most of the members said already ...
You two need to sit and discuss all of these things together, you would think that everything will go fine because you two love each other so much. Sorry, but the culture here and the traditions are completely different.

What is acceptable in Poland is not here, if you two used to hold hands, kiss in public or hug then forget about those here. He might even feel not comfortable any more doing those here in front of the people who would be having a different look to you.

The family would be sometimes an issue, if they won't agree or support their son. Some are still believing in relatives marriage and they see that his cousin is the one who got the privilege over any other strange girl to marry their son. They don't know what do this strange girl wants and believe that she is going to steal their son away.

Religion is one of the issues, if you two have no kids and agreed on respecting each other religion for now. What would happen when you have children? Would they follow the father's religion or your religion? Don't tell me that you will leave the kids like that, confusing them between the two religions or fighting over it would be an early source of disturbance for them.

Your family, are they completely supporting you? Are they aware of what might happen in the future? Like the possibility of you converting and embracing Islam? Would they be fine with you moving to another country and live there?

Now you, would you be able to adjust? Would you be open minded and try to ... let's say not adopting the culture at first but to try to understand it? Would it be fine with you if the people around you would interfere with with your life? Would you be able to sit and talk, try to understand from him what is the problem or the issue with what happened just a while ago? That he has to balance between his family and the life of both of you?

There are many and many points to discuss ... but I hope that those helped somehow ...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)