Good morning to you sun shine. I hope you have a great day a head of you.

Believe me, they never get under my skin. It is not worth it at all. But I like to respond hopefully someone else will read it and benefit from it.

It baffles me when people come up with such idiotic conclusion just because they want it to be concluded that way. I Stupidity at its best. If it shows anything, it's diffidently how oblivious they are when it comes to homosexuality. Do you know why ?? it is fear..

They are afraid that if they get to know any gay person on a personal level that they will find out that they are real people and not as sexually addicted as they think we are. Or we don't support child molestation or pedophiles just because we are gay. I mean you gotta be ROYALLY perverted and disturbed to commit such crimes. Even the pedophiles or child molesters, honestly, many of the cases that i hear about are straight old men who are chasing 12yo girls. Or a school teacher who forces her 13yo boy student into a sexual intercourse. Where is gay in those incidents..if anything it is heterosexual from A to Z. But what happens when u get to know that some gay people are actually very good people ?? All your negative thoughts about them will collapse and burn. You know what that means ?? a profound change in their belief system. It will SHAKE them and make them feel that whatever they were raised to believe is wrong. Consequently, the domino s effect starts..what else do i believe in is wrong ?? .. what a mind job that would be. So it is much much easier to continue your ignorance and continue hate rather than going through the process of change. Why do you think there is so much respect to be given for those who are willing to change and admit their mistakes, because they are willing to go through that mind job with clear intention to kick Satan out of their souls.

That's why when those people start talking, they often lack evidence, nothing more than personal opinions based on limited knowledge about the subject, waste more time on hating and bashing because they are empty from inside and have nothing better to do in their lives but bashing you and tell you that you are going to hell. Now, why would i let someone like that bother me when i spent years to educate myself in various countries to expand my horizon and learn people and appreciate the difference. Notice the difference between my speech and their speech.. I often try to educate and share my findings. They share nothing but insults and hate. See how empty they are ?? Thank God for giving me the chance to educate myself and may God help me use my education to share with my brothers and sisters, gay or straight, black or white.

Salam Alikom
Un-Learn what you know and Re-Learn it.