Thank you guys for your comments and believe me, i'm not here to boost my ego or anything. I'm a regular guy who believes in the power of mind and the gift that God gave me and always tries to sharpen it by reading and understanding people more and more.

It amazes me how us -Arabs- are getting more and more ignorant about our own religion by the day. I'm not sure where in the Qur'an or hadeeth or sunna that states bashing people who are different from you is ok. And when they find something that is different or against what they believe in, they can't wait to see who will insult faster, cause harm quicker and more. They never EVER try to think or provide a solution for whatever problem they face. We, Arabs, are good at pointing fingers and blaming others without thinking about how to correct ourselves and admit our faults and start working on our own self development. Similar ideas to what is happening in Palestine.. Let's blame America and Israel for that crisis. God forbid if we wake up and say SHAME ON US FOR LETTING THEM DO THAT. The same goes on gay people. Let's just bash them and show them hell but when you ask them. WHAT DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD DO ??..that's it man!!..a deer in headlights!!

My dear Arab brothers and sisters. WAKE UP!!..there is nothing wrong with admitting your faults and learn and develop yourself because it is never too late. Please don't look at gay merely as sexual intercourse as opposed to a way of living which is ok in ALL religion to be gay but it is NOT OK to have the sexual contact. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG DIFFERENCE between the two. And when you start criticizing us for being what we are, because none is the right mind would chose a life that is against religion and society, be smart and provide an alternative solution. If you can't then please let me enjoy some quiet time because my mind is constantly on the run trying to reconcile my sexuality and my belief. I don't need any more garbage. Im constantly thinking about what i'm gonna say to God when i meet him. I know I will ask him to ask YOU for what you have done to me. So please start preparing for an answer since you never know when we will all die. it might be right now..are you ready to face God with all this bashing ?? that's for you to think about and for me to listen when God asks you.

So PLEASE.. The mouth is a powerful tool. EXTREMELY Powerful. U can build a nation with one word and you can kill it with one word as well. So play nicely!!!

PS: there is so much respect to be given for someone who admits his faults and learns from his mistakes. Don't claim that you know it all. May God be with you all.
