Salam all,

I love it when people use Qur'an to justify their position about homosexuality, as if they are real Muslims to begin with, i.e wake up at 3 AM to pray Al Fajr, constantly reading Qur'an, pray 5 times a day, actually pay alms and live their lives as real Muslims to be an example to be followed.

Fine!!..u decided to open a can of warms..well here is my 2 cents. I'm a Muslim, Arab who happen to be gay and who spent YEARS researching homosexuality and it took me way far. Took me to Al Azhar University, Ein Shams University (Dept of psychology), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA Dept of Psychology) to learn about homosexuality and to educate people about it. So, please if you are interested in a mature conversation, then stop bashing people for whoever they are and respect the difference. You are not obligated to believe in them, you are not required to understand them, just know that they are different and move on and keep your opinions to yourself. Whether they are gay, bisexual, trisexual, quadsexual..whatever!!..NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS...agreed ??? here is what i want to say and i will try to make this brief:

1)- None, in Islam, is in a position to judge anyone..Not even Immams and shiekhs just so you know. So keep your judgment to yourself because it doesn't mean anything.

2)- Mr. Muslim.. get back to the books and remember when prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said "Wa zeyaret al mareed sadaqah".."and visiting the sick people is a charity".. He never said and bashing or killing the sick people is charity, ok ?? and please also know that i don't mean by what i said that gay people are sick people, but if you view them as sick people then kindly please follow the Islamic etiquettes in dealing with sick people and stop being a hypocrite.

3)- Please note that the LARGER reason that goes beyond homosexuality that made God curse people of LUT is the disbelief in God to begin with, THEN the homosexual act. So you are talking about people who rejected God as a whole package. So don't equate the people of Lut to Muslims please, that's why we says muslims are believers not disbelievers. And that was my research in Al-Azhar University and the conclusion was "Ijtihad is needed in this point" i.e. it is not resolved yet. you want to make an opinion about this, then please, by all means, Go to Mecca or Al Azhar University and come up with a fatwa because there is none so far according to my records.

4)- Guys, there are gay people who are trying to live in a way that is compatible with what God said regardless of their sexual desires. There are some gay people who know that they are gay and can not change it but decide to go celibate just because they feel more comfortable with their lives that way. So please consider what you say about burning in hell and all that unnecessary talk because there are people who are genuinely trying. And their lives are not like anything that any straight Muslim can bare, so pls have some respect for that and give them credit for trying to go against their instincts. something YOU CAN NOT DO YOURSELF. And such comments are not making it any easier for them and you will be asked by God when you stand before him about what you said. So please prepare for your after death and save yourself from the hell that you are talking about where gay people will go to cuz you never know, you might go there First Class yourself just because you were bashing them. God knows!!!

5)- The social disease..God I love that term..Social if premarital sex is not a social if discrimination based on sexual orientation, nationality (which happens here and we all have a taste of it), gender..etc is not a disease, not praying ON TIME is not a disease, being hypocrite is not a disease..i mean, where da hell do you live ??..sorry but get your head outta your posterior.

6)- Gay marriage, if the citizens of a given country live under a constitution that separates religion from state, then they should allow gay marriage because they don't have a religious government (BY CHOICE). But if they live in a government that implement religion and it is against religion, then they should immigrate and get married somewhere else.It won't be safe for them to live there anyway. I can't regulate other people's life. It is not my job and i don't want it to be. I mind my own business and wish well for everyone.

7)- Seeing a doctor to treat homosexuality is the most idiotic thing i have ever heard. You can't treat something that you don't know where it is coming from. So please don't make it sound like curing homosexuality is just as easy as buying ice-cream. And if you are going to recommend treatment, you'd better have some physical evidence of the cause itself. I mean, follow proper scientific research methods to reach a treatment. Top universities such as John Hopkins, UCLA and many others don't have a clue about what causes homosexuality cuz none please don't wear the lab outfit when you are not qualified to wear it.

Thanks for listening..and please if you want to reply to this message, please be mature because i don't waste time with bigots and people haters due to their inferiority complex. Those are the disease of the society indeed. Thanks again,

Salam Alikom