Behold the Smokester is finally back in QL after a long time away tending to "personal issues" lol. Damn Dr.Ksarat is upto his old tricks again of pretending to help depressed ladies eh?

Anyways Prettyice trust me on this when i tell u that i've just been there done that, and feeling depressed isnt going to solve anything. Surround urself with ur close friends and when ur alone just CRY it out. different people have different ways to deal with depression, just dont keep urself alone, talk it out with ur friends. Like i've told my good friend Ksarat before "Even a Wise man cant take his own advice at times" so u need to share ur troubles with others, and look at things from their point of view too.

That being said dont depress urself further by pm'ing ksarat he's just looking for people to pay for his coffee dates! Me on the other hand have more evil intentions....oops did i just say that out loud?

