Owen> My very dear friend, this is the second time that you do it in a year and you open another thread wishing me a happy birthday :) I slept for a while and opened my eyes to see this opened thread, thought that i was dreaming but the date said the thread is true :) .. Thanks a lot for always being there Owen, everything you do is always appreciated ....

Alexa> Thanks a lot dear, hope that all of your wishes and dreams come true as well.

Speed> Thanks bro, well .. I have no idea but that would be really .. hmmm? Khanan as well? A lot of QL members are Geminis :)

Glecs> Silent 'G', Walang Anuman ... You guys also have no idea how much do i really appreciate your friendship as well and every time that we spend together like one big family.

TCOM> Thanks brother and hmmmm? Any place that you will treat me to or be the party place will do with me :) Will leave that to you :)

Thanks to all of you, have a nice & pleasant day ahead ...

With all of my love ...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)