Despite the fact that I am totally against the government interfering in the personal lives of their people, i.e the right to choice and opinion, yet I see the case is a true violation and at all levels unacceptable for an old fossil to marry a green child!!.

Along with the ban, the Gov. should set a regulation to have to send a social worker for investigation and provide a suitable financial assistance or create source of income, if poverty is evident. (Some marry too old women or men although they are not poor)

As for the money deposit in banks by the old foreign husband planning to marry a young woman, I've never heard about that before, in my country. If true, it's humiliating indeed because it is an official trafficking regulated by the Gov. even if intentions are meant for the protection of the girl and her family.

May none of us live the moment where they have to sell themselves or their loved ones for survival.
