There are many scientific reasons as to why Pork is not fit for human consumption.

Trichinosis, the most common infection in humans from pig meat, is a subtle killer. Trichinosis is the name of the disease that originated with the trichina worm, which is scientifically referred to as the trichinella spiralis.

Trichina is just one of the nineteen worms found in pigs, in addition to lice and several swine diseases such as, rickets, thumps, and mange.

The trichina worm is very simply -- deadly; and a thorough cooking of pig meat does not ensure its death.

In the March, 1950, issue of Reader’s Digest, Laird S. Goldsborough writes, “In the pork which we Americans eat, there too often lurk myriads of baffling and sinister parasites. There are minute spiral worms which scientists call trichinella spiralis.”, “...a single serving of infected pork -- or even a single mouthful, can kill, cripple or condemn the victim to a lifetime of aches and pains.”

For this unique disease of trichinosis, there is no certain cure or drug to stop them... not even today.

CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!