It is common that in most cases, people are murdered by someone they know or are related to.
Not trying to justify things, but in the case of the Armed Forces, circumstances such as stresses of work and mental issues could be the major cause.
Spousal battering is a major issue all over the world, but you will agree that in developing nations it is more so because of the lack of education, the stigma related to a woman walking out of a relationship and also teh lack of support structures available.
It is common that in most cases, people are murdered by someone they know or are related to.
Not trying to justify things, but in the case of the Armed Forces, circumstances such as stresses of work and mental issues could be the major cause.
Spousal battering is a major issue all over the world, but you will agree that in developing nations it is more so because of the lack of education, the stigma related to a woman walking out of a relationship and also teh lack of support structures available.