Find someone you like.
Make contact. Start a conversation.
Talk about yourself, and encourage them to talk about themselves.
When they say something impressive, begin expressing romantic interest.
When you see some interest from the other person, casually set up a meeting in a purely social place.
At the date don't act like you are in kindergarten. Make eye contact and compliment him or her. Be nice. Act like the world was made for you two.
Be friendly! If you're mean, they will lose interest in you.
If anything comes up about your parents,talk about them like they're the greatest person you'll ever meet. Both males and females likes somebody that respects their parents.
if you really want to meet a guy at a party or somewhere you could accidentally bump into him and say "Sorry, I haven't seen you here before. What's your name?" You've started a conversation!
Find someone you like.
Make contact. Start a conversation.
Talk about yourself, and encourage them to talk about themselves.
When they say something impressive, begin expressing romantic interest.
When you see some interest from the other person, casually set up a meeting in a purely social place.
At the date don't act like you are in kindergarten. Make eye contact and compliment him or her. Be nice. Act like the world was made for you two.
Be friendly! If you're mean, they will lose interest in you.
If anything comes up about your parents,talk about them like they're the greatest person you'll ever meet. Both males and females likes somebody that respects their parents.
if you really want to meet a guy at a party or somewhere you could accidentally bump into him and say "Sorry, I haven't seen you here before. What's your name?" You've started a conversation!