Eh is a useful word that is very important and is the basis of all Canadian communications.

It is used in conjunction with other words, or simply by itself. The tone or the slight difference in exclamations also changes the meaning.
Eh= what did you say?
Eh?= what do you think
EH?= something to say just to end a sentence
Eh!!= WOW!!
EH!?= what do you mean?
Eh??= your joking!!!??
EH!!= off in the distance!!!
Eh?= want a donut?
Eh!= sure!!
Eh!Eh!= coffee double cream too please!
Eh?= what you say when you realize you have no money to pay for it
Eh..cmon eh?= asking them to let you pay for it next time.!= want to go to the drive in movie??
Eh...uhuh= yes sure!
Eh..y'know= Ill pick you up at 8
Eh..cmon!!= well thats early..but ok
Eh..wanna?eh?= lets fool around
EHHHHHHH= sounds coming from the car eh...= Im pregnant
EH?????????= how did that happen?
EHHehhEHHehhEHHH= sounds from the delivery room
EHHH ehh EHHH ehh= babys first cry
Ehh..whadya think eh?= marry me