one time I paid something around 53.50 and the guy pick up one chewing gum and add it so i have to pay 54 ... that time i was really pissed of ... I told him who asked you to buy that thing in my behalf? I don't want it and I want my 50 drhms now ... he said that it is already in the bill and he can't do anything and i told him ok ... where is your manager? I want to see him right now and i'm not going to pay anything and will leave all of these goodies and you look for someone to pay you ... someone came and was asking what is the issue and i told him .. so he was speaking to him in their language so i could not understand ... in the end I paid what am i supposed to paid for what i want to buy ...

Since when these guys got the courage to punch extra items and make you pay for it? The issue is not in the 50 drhms as much in being rude and do that in front of me , trying to be smart that you fixed the issue ...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)