The only positive I see out of the situation is that we seem to be in the right place at the right time!!!
There is talk of a reversal of globalisation and move to regional trade( too expensive to ship goods and services), serious changes in balance of power ( oil nations policing the world?) and less than tranparent corporate practices( russian oil barrons owning large corporations), when oil hits 200$.
I only hope people remember that there's a fuel that's cheap, clean and readily available, and it's called conservation!!!!
The only positive I see out of the situation is that we seem to be in the right place at the right time!!!
There is talk of a reversal of globalisation and move to regional trade( too expensive to ship goods and services), serious changes in balance of power ( oil nations policing the world?) and less than tranparent corporate practices( russian oil barrons owning large corporations), when oil hits 200$.
I only hope people remember that there's a fuel that's cheap, clean and readily available, and it's called conservation!!!!