Alexa I don't know any Qatari the govt just gives me to other than the Al-Thani family or a widow or a someone destitute. Most young Qataris have to live at home and if they want to have a house they would have to work two jobs as since its a cash society it takes years to save money to build. Since the pay for Qataris is about 1/4 what it is for a foreignor and no education allowance for private school, no plane tickets etc, etc. Given the wealth of the country all Qataris get is free water and electricity. Even after they marry most Qataris live with their families, its not the reality most people think. Maybe you see a nice car but don't realize they live at home. Most Qatari families I know the husband and wife both have full time jobs to make ends meet and the man has another business to try to keep their head above water. Its easy to assume everyone is wealthy but that is not the case.