Its something ridicules, you pay for the mistake of others. Just few days back I was standing on the red light, and when the light turned green and everyone moved, there happened an accident on the other side of the junction. A gal driving next to me broke in emergency and I did the same but ‘coz of ABS brakes it took some time and my front bumper touched her rare bumper...
When I explained the situation to police man he said you should at least keep a 15 mtr distance now please tell me who on earth can keep 15 mtr distance on traffic signals in Doha ???
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Its something ridicules, you pay for the mistake of others. Just few days back I was standing on the red light, and when the light turned green and everyone moved, there happened an accident on the other side of the junction. A gal driving next to me broke in emergency and I did the same but ‘coz of ABS brakes it took some time and my front bumper touched her rare bumper...
When I explained the situation to police man he said you should at least keep a 15 mtr distance now please tell me who on earth can keep 15 mtr distance on traffic signals in Doha ???
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill