Communism in its purest form is not all bad. The communism you cite is the form that has been twisted by human involvement to further the agendas of the few instead of the many. The same can be said of religion. Most religious Holy books (the Bible, the Koran, the Torah) are not about hate and the killing of innocents. They preach love, respect and treating others how we ourselves would like to be treated. But like governmental ideaologies such as communism (and democracy) human beings get their dirty hands on it, twist it to suit their needs and present it as fact.
Communism in its purest form is not all bad. The communism you cite is the form that has been twisted by human involvement to further the agendas of the few instead of the many. The same can be said of religion. Most religious Holy books (the Bible, the Koran, the Torah) are not about hate and the killing of innocents. They preach love, respect and treating others how we ourselves would like to be treated. But like governmental ideaologies such as communism (and democracy) human beings get their dirty hands on it, twist it to suit their needs and present it as fact.