it and .. is he still alive anyway? A friend of mine told me before thta Gino is dead, had to argue with my office mate about it and we were both googling to see if he is still alive or not ...

Well, ... what's about Martin and pop fernandez? :S I don't like those sad endings ... I hate him for making pops sing that song ... always make me cry ... "Don't Say Goodbye" but seems that the men would still look after this age for someone else and forget about someone who shared with them a long part of their life ...

I don't know what happened, that someone like Waa Waa Wee would go and have an 18 years old teenager as his GF !!!!
Even me find it difficult sometimes to understand men irregardless of being one of them :(

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)