personally I feel yuck and about to throw out. Had I been a female, I would think I have missed my period. Fullstop. This place is becoming heavily infected.
When someone posts a thread about politics/religion, then it turns out a big fight, threats and racism erupts
When someone asks a general question, they rarely get a proper feedback.
When someone posts about personal issues/love/romance, people start making fun and some try to date.
Let aside the moderator who changes the word "seks" but leaves the word "seksual". As if we are under-aged or in a nursery school.
Most threads are filled with 100s of ridiculous comments which will take ages to read and eventually one would skip most of the comments and would for sure miss the genuine comments as well as the genuine threads.
Season is not the reason. Last year I started in May and the forum was very active and continued to be very active.
Let aside the fact that some QLers think they own QL and want to direct it the way they like. Others will not agree to disagree with them. Some make fun of the language and hunt for mistakes.

