Afaque and the rest...Nothing will stop the bigots from attacking Muslims. You have to understand that Islam or Muslims never brought anything to themselves. Thats a very narrow minded statement which can only be made by someone with little knowledge of history. Otherwise pls explain what Iraq's role was in sept. 11 or anything justifying the daily killing of innocent men, women and children?

Or how about america backing of Mubarak the great dictator but criticizes Mugabe and hangs Saddam.

Or helping Israel build nuclear weapons whilst they are submerging Palestinians in shitty living conditions similar to what the Jews experienced during the holocaust BUT Iran gets sanctioned when it tries to get the same technology.

From an Islamic point of view, the hay-days of Muslims is gone and what we are experiencing is exactly what the prophet saw said, Islam started as a strange thing and it will end up being a strange thing.

Muslims are being collectively judged for actions commited by a few yet the same principle isnt being applied to the Germans (Holocaust), Aussies (aborigins), English (Colonization), U.S.A (blacks/red indians) etc.

Get used to the fact. You know its funny that they say everyone for himself and God for us all yet this statement is one of the cornerstones of being a proper Muslim in that you worship God accordingly and do what's needed of you as a Muslim and the rest will take care of itself.

Let's try and do that.