It is always hard, very hard to trust again ... the one who lets you down, the one who broke the promises, the one who made your dreams chattered into pieces that can't be collected anymore ... but ...
It is conditional in the end ... I have to admit it, but these conditions depends in the first place on the reasons that lead to the first conflict, to the first break up, to all the small problems that were left unsolved until you get the bigger ones in the end and could not handle it or take it anymore ...
If the reasons were of the kind of cheating, or mistreating each other then I see the chances are less of coming back again or give it a try ... The tail of the dog would never be straighten ...
Cheating once, twice, how can I make sure that it won't happen again? Hitting her and again and again or mistreat her, making her life like hell ... after all of living in the middle of the horror and being afraid all the time when would you be hurt physically again ...
I can't from my side give second chances, why? Because I always give my best to any relation ... If you are a friend of mine, you will me loyal and trying my best to help, even if i can't help you at the moment I would ask around and try, you would never hear me say No .. I only say it when i know that I can't, can't find someone to relay on helping me with this.
After that, if someone betrayed my trust then I go directly to my little friendship notebook and erase that person completely and would never look back again ... I have no time for that, if what I'm doing is not appreciated, if you see that it is your right to get and not to give, to have, but not to help, to ask, but never answer ... then I'm really sorry ... I do what I do just in the name of friendship and to help you ... I don't want anything from you, because I know that god will give me the best reward from him and I'm not seeking anything from the people ... just respect and being thankful nothing more ...
If you two realized your mistakes, admit it, agreed on not going back there again, start a new chapter in a new book without bringing the past again ... I believe that it might work ... Erasing the past, starting a brand new relation while you two know each other well would be a tricky one ... only your true love and honest efforts would make it work ...
Best Regards ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
It is always hard, very hard to trust again ... the one who lets you down, the one who broke the promises, the one who made your dreams chattered into pieces that can't be collected anymore ... but ...
It is conditional in the end ... I have to admit it, but these conditions depends in the first place on the reasons that lead to the first conflict, to the first break up, to all the small problems that were left unsolved until you get the bigger ones in the end and could not handle it or take it anymore ...
If the reasons were of the kind of cheating, or mistreating each other then I see the chances are less of coming back again or give it a try ... The tail of the dog would never be straighten ...
Cheating once, twice, how can I make sure that it won't happen again? Hitting her and again and again or mistreat her, making her life like hell ... after all of living in the middle of the horror and being afraid all the time when would you be hurt physically again ...
I can't from my side give second chances, why? Because I always give my best to any relation ... If you are a friend of mine, you will me loyal and trying my best to help, even if i can't help you at the moment I would ask around and try, you would never hear me say No .. I only say it when i know that I can't, can't find someone to relay on helping me with this.
After that, if someone betrayed my trust then I go directly to my little friendship notebook and erase that person completely and would never look back again ... I have no time for that, if what I'm doing is not appreciated, if you see that it is your right to get and not to give, to have, but not to help, to ask, but never answer ... then I'm really sorry ... I do what I do just in the name of friendship and to help you ... I don't want anything from you, because I know that god will give me the best reward from him and I'm not seeking anything from the people ... just respect and being thankful nothing more ...
If you two realized your mistakes, admit it, agreed on not going back there again, start a new chapter in a new book without bringing the past again ... I believe that it might work ... Erasing the past, starting a brand new relation while you two know each other well would be a tricky one ... only your true love and honest efforts would make it work ...
Best Regards ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)